Smaug1 membrane-less organelles respond to AMPK and mTOR and affect mitochondrial function

  • Category: Scientific Article
  • Journal: Journal of Cell Science
  • Year: 2021
  • DOI: 10.1242/jcs.253591

This is a co-author publication during my doctoral research.

For this paper I aided in the design and analysis of Smaug Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation. I cultured cells and transfected them with tagged proteins to later perform live imaging microscopy on them. Whole cells were imaged after the addition of drugs or just the vector in order to estimate the effect on granule dissolution. Small regions of cells were imaged in order to analyze granule dynamics and their interaction with mitochondria. Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) were also performed to analyze dynamics of interchange between granules and cytoplasm. Foci were segmented and later counted and morphologically described in whole cell live imaging. Foci and mitochondria were segmented and their dynamics described and analyzed with Mean Square Displacement (MSD) amongst others in small regions imaged. Code used for analysis can be found at foci_finder. Code used for tracking of organelles and MSD calculations can be found in tracker.